Dog Health
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Dog Health Products
Doggie dental care
Over 80% of dogs will have teeth or gum problems by the time they reach three years of age. Luckily, there's no shortage of dog dental health products out there that can keep your canine companion free of plaque, and tartar and minimise bad doggie breath! Our water additive gels can easily be popped into your dog's drinking water to support your pet's oral health.
Prevent dry, irritated skin
The skin is the largest organ in the human body- the same goes for dogs! It protects them from physical injury, prevents fluid loss and infection and so much more. A little TLC for their skin can go a long way. We have all-natural remedies enriched with skin-soothing ingredients like coconut oil and shea butter. For example, our Melao's Paw and skin balm can heal cracked paw pads and moisten dry noses during extreme weather conditions and seasonal changes.
Prevent tick & flea infestation
With ticks rampant in Australia, it's important to ensure that your beloved dog is well protected against fleas and other nasty crawlies. Ozdingo stocks Melao's all-natural essential oil spray combines seven organic ingredients that work together to provide effective, and safe flea and tick protection. Not only does the spray's soothing scent of lavender repulse fleas, ticks and mosquitos but provides relief and elevates mood in dogs.