Are Training Collars Good For Dogs?

Are Training Collars Good For Dogs?

A training collar, also known as a shock collar, e-collar, electronic collar, or remote training collar, is a device placed on the dog’s neck that delivers a small electric current or remote shock in order to train the dog and improve its behavior for the better. 

 Are Training Collars Safe For Dogs?

Many people are quick to conclude that, because it uses electricity, training collars are inhumane. However, this opinion is often formed because of the lack of understanding of these collars' benefits when used properly. These training collars have absolutely been developed to be completely safe for dogs.


Are Training Collars Good For Dogs?

The answer is yes, and below are the advantages you need to know:

 Reduces aggressive behavior. Aggression in dogs often poses a threat to the dog itself or to you or your family, and thus, gentle training methods might not work. Dog training collars can curb your dog’s aggression immediately without putting yourself in harm’s way. A friendly, well behaved dog is a better outcome for everyone, and it will lead a much more happy and safe life overall.

 Dog training collars fix errant behavior from a distance. Training, particularly correcting your dog’s behavior, often only works when you are close to your dog. However, having a remote training collar makes it possible for you to train your dog even if it is off its leash.

 Effective for any size combination of human and dog. Sometimes, it’s hard to train a big dog breed if its owner is short, weak, or has disabilities. Having an e-collar eliminates this worry.

Image - A well trained dog is the safest outcome for you, your family, the neighbourhood, and for the dog itself. 



 Helps when your dog doesn’t respond to voice commands. Consider the times you have to make a frantic dash to get to your dog in order to stop it from some type of bad behavior because it doesn’t respond to your verbal commands or has blocked all auditory stimulus since it is investigating an object that has caught its interest. Having a shock collar helps especially for dogs who don’t hear or respond well to verbal commands.

 Helps your dog focus. Distractions are a big no-no, especially for dogs engaged in animal-assisted therapy or police dog work. The quick reminder provided by the dog training collar helps regain your dog’s attention and focus.

 Produces a rapid response. Rewards and punishments should be given immediately; that way, your dog will know what behavior to associate them with. Without an e-collar, your dog might think you are playing when instead you are trying to chase it to stop it from its errant behavior, which of course, doesn’t help in training your dog at all. An electronic collar allows you to give your dog feedback on its action at the right time.

 Inexpensive. Dog training collars are cheaper and more affordable than investing in special trainings or dog schools, yet, achieve the same training efficacy when appropriately used.

 Punishment or Behavior Correction Doesn’t Come From You. For unacceptable canine behavior and where positive reinforcement doesn’t work, discipline is necessary. The good thing with having an electric training collar is that your dog won't think the punishment came from you. Thereby, you won't have to worry about putting a strain on your bond or relationship and making future training easier.

How To Use Training Collar For Dogs?

  1. Make sure the collar is turned off.
  2. Make your dog stands still and then fit the training collar. Ensure that there is an inch of a gap between the collar and your dog’s neck. 
  3. Get your dog comfortable with the collar before turning it on for a test.
  4. For specific training outcomes, please consult with more professional training-specific advice.

What Is The Best Training Collar?

It is very important that you buy a quality training collar to make sure that it works really well and to guarantee that your dog stays safe as you deliver the punishment. Ozdingo has a collection of Barking and Training Solutions for any of your dog needs. Head on to the website to check.

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